In addition to the existing BACS system, the Exergio Analytics add-on was implemented. As a result, more than 10 000 signals from AHU, Chillers, Heat stations, and Room controllers can now be analyzed 24/7. Dedicated engineers from Exergio use the platform to coordinate the actions that are needed in order to improve the efficiency and comfort KPIs.
Improvement of operation algorithms
Delta is a modern commercial building. In this case, sophisticated BMS with free programmable controllers were used to deliver the best operation scenarios. The implemented system is flexible for any adjustments. Simbiocity was always looking for improvements. With the help of Exergio Analytics insights, data driven solutions for algorithm adjustments were implemented. For example, a building with chilled beams consumes cooling and heating energy for dehumidification. In this process, Chiller and AHU operations have to be adjusted perfectly to avoid energy losses. Reduction of chill beam temperature reduces dehumidification requests. On the other hand, there is a risk of not having enough cooling power. Using the Exergio platform and combining all data in the building, it was easy to balance the dehumidification process and that resulted in less energy consumption keeping comfort KPIs at the required level.
Manual BMS supervision versus automated 24/7 self-tests
BMS supervision is essential for overall building performance. Moreover, if it is performed manually, not all malfunctioning and insights for energy saving can be spotted on time. While using Exergio, all optimal scenarios are analyzed and summarized in reports so that the building owners can easily check the overall building performance.
When the outside conditions are changing, operation schedules and parameter settings should be changed accordingly. The Exergio platform constantly calculates best performance scenarios and delivers results to the operators. For example, the chiller schedule or heating night cut-off settings are re-calculated online. These indications help the operator to set the best operating parameters and save energy when it is not needed.
44% of energy savings in cooling and ventilation systems.
Simbiocity is a real estate company providing efficient, flexible office spaces and operating modern campuses in six countries within Europe. Simbiocity’s motto: “A workplace is more than squares”.
Service delivery period
Beginning of April 2021
Building type
Delta commercial building in Vilnius; the size of the area – 21,640 m2; construction year – 2017; energy class – B+.
– Improve energy efficiency and indoor environment KPIs;
– Reduce CO2 emission in the buildings;
– Increase the intelligence of building operations;
– Implement predictive maintenance scenarios.